How To Deal With Spelling Homework: A List Of Great Suggestions

Students usually face trouble with minor mistakes in their academic assignments. Even though they struggle hard with the research and data compilation but they ignore the small details that are very critical. Imagine a very well researched paper that has many typos, grammatical or spelling mistakes. Would you grade it high even with very basic spelling errors? Most of the times genius students, tend to be careless. They are not hard working or consistent to check each sentence in their paper. They have great ideas to base their paper on but ignore the small details. A wise man whilst executing one of his major projects spent a lot of time in finishing. When the subordinates asked him why this project was taking longer than expected, he smiled and replied, “I know 90% of the project is complete and only 10% of it remains, however, it is the 10% that matters”

Students are specially instructed to revise and proof read their paper several times before they submit it. Nevertheless, they hardly do so. Students are quite over confident about their own creation and they rely on their grammar and spellings because they are natives. We should bear in mind that humans are prone to errors, we need to revise and proof read each assignment before we send it to the professor. If spelling mistakes account for a huge number in losing your marks then you need to do something about it and take serious action to fix this.

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