Looking for help in conceptual physics is nothing new. Numerous other students like you have done it in the past and could be doing it at this very moment. How successful have they been? Well that would depend on the individual modes they have adopted when looking for help. If you want to be successful in your personal quest of receiving help on conceptual physics, you will have to make several considerations at a go.
To begin, treat the subject as a new subject. That is right. Know that you have never known the subject at all. There are several people who would tell you otherwise. But those things should not really matter when you have made the decision to do it your way. Then, follow the following instructions and see how far you go.
The entire game of conceptual physics is based on the concept of physics. There are more than many things that you will have to follow at the same time and this makes conceptual physics tricky in the first place.
When you are deciding to make the most of the available scope of work, you should try and take help who belong to the same class and profession. There are people that need to be turned around and this is one of the major ways to make the most of the available knowledge that people are willing to share readily.
When the goings seems to become too tough, just take a few steps back and start fresh. There will be such occasions when you will be made to believe that help is not available at all. Survive that with a little embarrassment and things will be brighter the next day.
Before you start to receive homework help on conceptual physics, start realizing that you have some limitations within you. This will make you more and more focussed and you will know that there are several things that need to be talked about.
When looking for help on the subject, it is best to develop a sense of connectedness and understand one subject in the context of the other. This will give you the required mileage to keep pushing.
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